Masanobu Yoshida writes:

The number of children under 5 years who died in 1993 - more than 12.2 million . Of such deaths in developing countries, the great majority could have been avoided if those countries enjoyed the same health and social conditions as the developed countries. So, many diseases in the developing countries are preventable.

Malnutrition is an example of preventable disease and contributes substantially to childhood disease and death but often goes unrecognized as such. As a result of malnutrition, many children in the developing countries are underweight and are short in height for their age And many lack iodine and vitamin A . As a result of iodine deficiency at least 30000 babies are stillborn each year and over 120 000 are born mentally retarded, physically stunted, deaf-mute or paralysed. A quarter of all children under age 5 in developing countries are at risk of vitamin A deficiency.

Another example, Diarrhoeal diseases, resulting from unsafe water and poor sanitation coupled with poor food-handling practices, are responsible for a further 3 million deaths a year among children under age 5 in the developing world , and are a graphic example of the deadly synergy of poverty and lack of knowledge. Many of the deaths from diarrhoea could be prevented by using oral rehydration salts, which cost just US $0.07 on average.

Then, what can we do to improve these situations in the developing countries? Now developed countries send money and essential commodities to developing countries. This is very important, because these goods save many children at present. But this approach is not the best, because, in this case, developing countries cannot begin supporting themselves, and developed countries cannot keep on sending these goods. As a result the state of developing countries will not change.

I think the most important things for developing countries is supporting themselves. Supporting themselves means self sufficiency about every matters. for example education, medicine, science and so on. Then what can we do for developing countries' independence? I think developed countries people should teach a lot of techniques to people in developing countries. For example, in terms of medicine, a long time ago Japanese called in foreign medical professors and were taught medicine by them. As a result Japanese medical professors and doctors were produced and Japanese medicine advanced. So developing countries should do this in a similar way. Of course not only medicine, but also anything else. For example science, agriculture and so on. Therefore, a developed country like Japan should send many people who can teach a lot of techniques to people in developing countries. As a result, developing countries can begin supporting themselves and change from developing country to developed country.

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