Exercises in Science
..............Jack Kimball.............

An Afterword for the Instructor

Neither you nor your students need to be specially trained in science to take advantage of these exercises. The emphasis should be on students' organizing their thoughts and learning through practice (not perfection).

The exercises are excerpts from two recent EFL textbooks, English Composition in General Science and Nature, Hankuk (Seoul) and Writing about Science! Kaibunsha (Tokyo). To obtain a desk copy of either text, please call Hankuk at 499-0846 or Kaibunsha at 03-3358-6288. For a teacher's manual to this website, which includes instructional guidelines and keys, please post the following e-mail message: "sendmanual." Post the message to the address at the bottom of the page.

I hope you and your students profit from using some of the ideas here. Drop me a line at the e-mail adress below if you have reactions, suggestions or anything else you might like to share. I look forward to hearing from you!

Table of Contents

E-mail: sendmanual at fauxpress.com