Masanobu Yoshida writes:
Mr.Tanaka's problems are in his lifestyle.
First, he is very busy with his computer business. So he does not take
exercise enough. And he feels lots of pressure at work, but he can't
relax enough. Because he is busy six and sometimes sevendays a week.
As a result he has a lot of stress. Stress is not good for his health.
Second, he doesn't maintain a well-balanced diet. He doesn't have time
to eat breakfast and he often eat fast food like humburgers,
cheeseburgers at lunch and dinner. Even if he get good nutrition from
the vitamin supplements, it is not well-balanced diet, because he eats
small kind of foods, for example meat, udon and so on. And humberger,
cheeseburger are fatty food. Mr Tanaka's LDL level is 172. Cholesterol
is found in animal products. Instead of fatty meats, he should have
plant food, for example, vegetables, fruits and grains. These foods
include vitamin and iron. Considering his age, he needs take in 10mg
iron, for example, spinach 1/2 cup -- 1.2mg. So, to reduce his LDL level,
he has to cut down fatty foods and eat many vegetables, fruits and a lot of
Third, he thinks that I pay attention to my health, but his knowledge
about health is mistake. For example, He think that rice and udon are
rich in fiber, but these foods are not rich in fiber. Example of rich
in fiber foods is vegetable. But he does not eat vegetable. So he is
lack of fiber. Eating foods that include dietary fiber can help some
problems. Dietary fiber may help lower his cholesterol. Another
example of his mistaken ideras is that his exercise is enough. So he needs
to have correct knowledge.
Finally, he asked me what's the real difference between
carbohydrates and fats? I can answer that carbohydrates include all
starches and sugers. Foods containing starches include beans, breads,
cereals. Fats are the most concentrated form of energy. Each gram of
fat provides nine calories, while the same amount of carbohydrates
provides only four calories. But the amount of fat, and kind of fats
eaten may increase your risk for heart disease. So, you should not
much fatty foods.
Even if his knowledge about health is mistaken, he at least pays attention to
his health. So if he has correct knowledge about health, his health
may be better. Maybe his LDL level will be lowered. So I advise him
to eat breakfast and many kind of foods, for example
vegetable, milk, eggs, and liver without likes and dislikes. And you
should do much exercise, Mr. Tanaka. In short, moderate meals and exercise are the
best medicine for your health.
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