Tomoyuki Maekubo writes:
Mr Tanaka is a 29-year-old computer specialist. He has many problems .
Mr Tanaka is also very busy with his computer business .So it
difficult to follow good eating and healthy lifestyle patterns. And
what is even worse is that Mr Tanaka has been feeling lots of pressure at
work and he finds it hard to relax even after work. He has been feeling
stress. Secondly, Mr Tanaka does not like to exercise, since Mr Tanaka is
so busy, he exercises for only about a half an hour once a week.
Thirdly, because he is very busy -- six and sometimes seven
days a week -- he doesn't have time to eat breakfast most mornings. And
he takes with four or five cups of coffee. Fourthly, he hates most
vegetable and eat a lots of meat, beef and pork mostly. He finds he
needs to intake fast food like hamburgers, cheeseburgers or udon at
lunch and dinner. He get good nutrition from the vitamin supplements
He take, and He when He can, He eat a lot of meat, beef and pork
mostly. But, this is the wrong kind of understanding. These problems are connected
with poor nutrition. And these problems are behavior problems.
Fifthly problems are risk factor problems. His medical records indicate
a few other issues. Both his grandfather and father have diabetes.His
mother is currently ill with a critical heart condition. Mr Tanaka's
LDL level is measured at 172. Lastly, He got a wrong information about
vitamins and minerals. For example, he think he should be eating foods
that are rich in fiber. And he thinks foods rich in fiber are like most
Japanese foods. (Udon, rice etc.) Or, when his LDL levels measured
at 172, he's surprised by that measurement since he doesn't eat sweet
foods.He think only sweet foods are the source of LDL problems. He
should get the right information.
So I'll write about how he should change three things. Firstly, he must
have some changes in diet and lifestyle habits. Talking about
diet, he has to avoid high cholesterol foods and include lower
cholesterol foods to keep his cholesterol levels. An ideal level of LDL
is 60-160mg/dl. He should regulate this level. These may help him
to avoid high blood cholesterol and an increased risk of heart
disease, because his mother is currently ill with a critical heart
condition,he must be careful about these foods. And another suggestion is
to reduce LDL levels by doing a proper amount of
exercise. In addition, when he works, he should relax and he must eat
a balanced diet for that purpose.
Secondly, this is related to first changes.He must improve his poor
nutrition. He must eat breakfast regularly. And Caffeine is a drug that
stimulates the central nervous system. Caffeine can cause restlessness,
sleeplessness, palpitations, and diarrhea. He should not take too
coffee in morning. In addition, he should have more fruits and
vegetables. So he must not eat fast food like hamburgers,
cheeseburgers or udon at lunch and dinner. He can get good nutrition
from the vitamin supplements in fruits and vegetables. Roles of
vitamins and minerals are Vitamins help the body turn food into energy
and tissues and Minerals are needed for growth and maintenance of body
structures . Each vitamins play important role. There are 13 vitamins
in all: vitamin A; the vitamin B complex, which includes thiamine,
riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12 pantothenic
acid, and biotin; and vitamins C, D, E, and K. The best way to get the
vitamins and minerals you need is by eating a varied, balanced diet,
rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Thirdly, he must get right information about nutrition. For example, he
had better have fiberrich foods like oats, wholegrain bread and
apples. They help to reduce cholesterol levels. Udon, rice, etc. are not
fiberrich foods. Another example is the real difference between
carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates and fats are the body's primary
energy sources.Carbohydrates include all starches and sugars. They
are the body's main source of energy. Fats pack a lot of energy. There
are three kinds of fat: saturated, monounsaturated, and
polyunsaturated.Saturated fat is often called "bad" fat. So he must be
careful of taking fat foods. Lastly,it is about RDA. For example,the RDA of iron
for men is 10 milligrams (mg). And RDA of VB6 is 2mg, V. E is
10mg and V. A is 0,9mg. Prunes include iron, so he should eat many prunes. In addition, liver is
includes many vitamins, so he needs to eat liver etc.
If I get my ideas in focus, my ideas are three points. First he must
have some changes in lifestyle habits. Second, he must improve his poor
nutrition. Third, he must get the right information about nutrition. If he takes a
positive attitude toward health, hell succeed in this
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