Hideo Oshita writes:
I think that Mr and Mrs Mine (M) have many problems. At first, they eat an unbalanced diet. For example, they often eat food that contain excess fat and cholesterol, such as fried chicken and fried potato. They don't take enough calcium. And, they have no opportunity to do regular exercise. Moreover, they don't often eat three meals a day.
Mr M should stop smoking as early as possible, because smoking increases the risk of cancer (especially, cancer of the lung). And, taking hamburgers and fried food for lunch every day is not advisable. These do not supply enough energy, and worse, they contain so many things that can lead to high blood pressure.
Mrs M should refrain from eating sweet food. Sweet food results in high blood pressure, overweight and decayed teeth. As a replacement for too much sweet food, she should have more vegetables and fruits to intake vitamins and fiber. Her high level of LDL(165) is based on her bad diet. So she should change her diet by eating more vegetables, fruits and fiberrich foods.
I want to advise for Mr and Mrs M. First, they should eat a balanced diet that contains healthy food. For example, they should eat food that doesn't contain much cholesterol, foods such as vegetables and fruits. Extra cholesterol comes into arteries and causes artery walls to become thick. This results in hardening of the arteries. Vegetables and fruits also contain many vitamins and much fiber. Fiber is effective for lowering cholesterol absorbed from the intestines. And, Mr and Mrs M have to eat milk, yogurt and cheese to intake more calcium. This will help them to reduce stress and keep their bones strong.
Second, they should practice exercise, such as jogging, every morning. This helps them to reduce their weight. Overweight increases LDL level. Exercise helps control their weight and can raise their HDL level and then lower blood pressure and reduce risk of heart disease. Third, they should eat breakfast every morning. If they have little time in the morning, I recommend they take a simple breakfast, like cereals with milk and fruit.
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