Midori Hanzawa writes:
These two patients have one interesting
similarity. They eat too much high-cholesterol food. Ice cream, eggs, fatty
meats and cheese are considered high-level cholesterol food.
But they show contrasts in other points. First, it is their life style.
Patient A does not have the habit of doing exercise, but Patient B has
this habit. And Patient B has a habit of smoking. The second point is their
current condition. Patient A has a subjective symptom, that is, chest pain.
And his arteries are narrow, and his LDL level is higher than normal. In
general, high cholesterol means you have a high risk of heart disease.
The combination of his high LDL level and his chest pain create a dangerous
Patient B does not have concrete symptoms now. She shows a normal cholesterol
level in her arteries. But she is overweight and she has a family history
of diabetes. So she has a possibility of suffering from diabetes in the
So I suggest the following to these two patients.
Patient A - He has to change his diet to reduce his LDL level. He has to
eat more vegetables and fruits and fiberrich foods and stop eating fatty
food like fried meat. And it is better for him to eat fish rather than
meat. And doing exercise is a useful practice for him.
Patient B - I suggest the same thing for B's diet. If she wants to eat
bread, she should exchange fiberrich grain bread for white bread. To lose
weight is most important for her. And quitting smoking is necessary. These
things are good not only for preventing heart disease but also preventing
other diseases.
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