What Is ACL Reconstruction?

The ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is a ligament in the center of your knee that becomes damaged when twisted too far, such as in a skiing injury. ACL Reconstruction is performed using a combination of open surgery and arthroscopic surgery.

This arthroscopic view shows a healthy ACL that is firmly attached to the femur and tibia.

Here is a view of a badly damaged ACL which will need to be reconstructed.

Before the ACL reconstruction process begins, your surgeon will examine your knee arthroscopically, and repair any additional damage to the knee, such as a torn meniscus, or worn articular cartilage.

Reconstruction of the ACL begins with a small incision in your leg where small tunnels are drilled in the bone.

Next your new ACL is brought through these tunnels, and then secured with a staple and buckle system.

As healing occurs, the bone tunnels fill in to secure the tendon.

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