The song the sirens did not allow
Odysseus to hear . . . and what it was
He thought he heard --
Kafka never heard it either
But it sounded like this
1) A disassembeled state
2) With no idea what to do first
3) With no idea what to do next
4) Using numbered series instead
No allegiance no charm
Every idea and every other idea
Never quite hearing what you think you said
Not loss but a not yet newly defined shape
The rain extends all the way up the coast
With snow in the higher elevations
Accuracy sustained by continuing memories of the verbal character
Genius and the colorful fastidiousness of the conditioned responses they conjured --
Assertions of dialect often misheard
Further dimensionalized by the acoustics
Remembered and imagined in the rooms of the house
Where the words were first and then repeatedly heard
Through shifting contexts sustained by humor, rancor, fear of rumor, and disdain
Polemos panton pater