Good Night, All You Ships at Sea, You
We're on Sorrow Watch engulfed by Scorpion Bowls
haunted repeatedly in Dreams by Dave Letterman
when it's my funeral I'll want La Cucaracha
and F-16 flyovers
First choose your weight in water: essence
of mango or Youth
No one dies with you, regardless of riches
or recent poll numbers
Ex-girlfriends gather to march huffily Toward shore
Adapting to the new Ban on hullabaloo
At the first signs Yet agape, Shudder to think of
Inflamed tonsils, they Strike
You down walking your Delightful coast
Dateline Egypt: Could have had more Pyramids
if only we'd Worked together
Pass a bottle of Nile,
while watching soldiers fortify
every Ferris Wheel or Tilt-a-Whirl
O to be the one To chase off the Frankensteins
we built
Hooray for our impossible Demands,
shrugged off Undershirt
and clean Sheets misplaced
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